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The Platform

Understand all the ways Haila can solve your company's problems. We have a range of functionalities that help in the automation of day-to-day processes integrated with access control and other iOT devices.

The calendar


You and your co-managers will be able to create reservations for your areas in a simple and visual way.

The reservation holder will be invited to be part of your HailaSpace, receiving digital keys for autonomous access automatically either using their smartphones, face recognition and other forms of authentication.

The keys will be available to the holder during the period of their reservation.

In this reservation creation process, you can also define a number of dependents that the holder can register, who will receive keys to the area with the same expiration rules as the holder. 

It is also possible that you enter these dependents yourself as shown below.

All of this can be done unilaterally without the need for the holder (client) to have an account registered with Haila. By informing the e-mail of the holder, an invitation is sent to him to carry out the registration process and accept his invitation, as soon as this process is completed the keys are sent at the correct time.

But don't you always have a computer nearby and need to manage your reservations on your cell phone?

No problem, through our native apps for iPhone and Android you can perform any action from your smartphone too!

The Booking Portal


But while we make it easy for you and your co-managers to create reservations, we also have a simple way to make the process completely autonomous through our reservation portal.

By using the Haila platform you can generate your own integrated Booking Portal with automatic pricing.

And the most amazing thing: pricing can be limited by contracts where you can add credit or time to your customers on a monthly basis.

For example: You can create a contract with 30 hours or $500 for use during the month, when this consumption is reached the customer will be automatically prevented from creating new reservations for that month. Or if it is in your interest to charge an extra fee for excess consumption automatically.

You can even create different behaviors based on contracts, enable certain areas for autonomous booking only for those who have a specific contract with you.

In addition, your client also has a calendar view without the name of the occupants of the other reservations, so that he can easily see what time there is availability for each of the areas, as shown below:

Reservations stay on their customer panel where they can understand the details of the area, see the final price if applicable and also add dependents autonomously, always respecting the limitation imposed by you or your co-managers!

And of course the entire system for your client is also responsive allowing him to monitor and manage his reservations through his smartphone or even through native apps!

Even if the dependent doesn't have a Haila account, he will receive the invitation email and the smartphone keys will be available as soon as he registers!



You can also require face-to-face check-in of reservation holders or dependents by reading the QR Code. Just create the rule in the area defining the tolerance from the beginning of the occupation.

For example: The area requires the holder or their dependents to check in within 20 minutes of the start of the reservation period.


The contracts

It all starts with the registration of a contract model that can later be set to customers, whether they are companies or individuals.

And the coolest thing is that you can inform a company as the holder and allow its employees to enjoy the credits of this contract as shown below:

In the example above, when associating a contract with a customer, you define the validity period and the system generates cycles assigning a usage balance for each month. Therefore, reservations will consume the credit for the month of occupancy or the month in which the reservation was made depending on the configuration you choose. 

For example: If the user reserves the area on 02/20/2022 to occupy it on 04/20/2022, the consumed credits will be from the cycle of month 04 (April). Therefore, you can have control over the use of spaces by limiting the credits or time available for each of the customers.



But you don't always need to create reservations in your areas, you want to simply send a digital key for the recipient to access an environment? Simple.

As demonstrated in the video, you can create authorizations for multiple people at the same time, informing specifically which accesses at each area you want to send keys for. Furthermore, it is possible to limit the validity of the keys either by time (period) or by use. Each pass through counts as one use and when the limit is reached the key automatically expires preventing a new entry by the recipient.

Remote opening


Someone is at the door of your building and needs to get in and you're not home. How many times have you experienced this problem? With Haila, that's a thing of the past. From anywhere in the world you can open your accesses and allow whoever you want to enter. And the best of all this with the security of viewing the situation via the camera directly in the application with native integration.




Everything in the same app sounds too good to be true, but this is Haila's reality. In it you can view the cameras of your home and building in the same application without having to remember multiple passwords and understand multiple streams. 



And all this with all the control of a real-time monitoring system that informs managers or monitors of all access openings in your space.

This section of the system can be made available separately for security guards and concierges to monitor entries and view the authorizers!

Haila Display and facial recognition


With Haila Display you can bring numerous features to your environment such as area occupancy reservation details, facial recognition and much more. Haila Display is fully customizable and you can create autonomous interaction flows with the environment for your customers or occupants.

In addition, you can add facial recognition functionality bringing speed and convenience to your users for access by business rules.

Users authorized by simple authorization or reservation will have their access released only at times and days that you define as a manager. Users themselves will be able to register their facial biometrics on their smartphone and access it without the need to register at the access point.


O HailaDisplay é o único dispositivo do mercado capaz de trazer o reconhecimento facial para acessos internos com fechaduras por bateria. Assim é possível integrar o condomínio com unidades privativas de forma a usarem um único fluxo e aplicativo para gestão!

Abaixo um resumo rápido do fluxo de uso do reconhecimento facial Haila


Entenda porque o reconhecimento facial da Haila é diferente dos outros com alguns casos de uso descritos abaixo


Hailapass (TAG)

We have reinvented the famous TAG for opening doors and accesses.

Now a TAG can open ALL your doors regardless of the building or location, as long as they use Haila technology in their access controls. A tag is personal and can be created by any manager using a cell phone with NFC technology. Just select the Hailapass recipient and touch the tag/card to the NFC emitter of a smartphone and it will be automatically recorded. 

Hailapass recipients can deactivate their TAG at any time using their smartphone, which will cause it to stop working in a matter of seconds for ALL accesses for which this user is authorized. This is extremely important if you lose your Hailapass.

The Hailapass accompanies the Haila authorizations for the recipient and will work within the same rules as the manager and/or its reservations allow.

Entenda a diferença de um Hailapass para uma TAG comum


Abaixo uma pequena história de como o Hailapass pode facilitar a vida de seus usuários

Link de convite

Link de convite

Um fluxo mais ágil e fácil tanto para o usuário final quanto para o gestor do espaço.

Ao invés de cadastrar um novo usuário atribuir à ele um contrato, inserir como dependente de uma reserva ou até mesmo criar uma autorização você pode fazer tudo isso de forma automática através do link de convite.

Imagine criar links com regras customizáveis que podem ser enviados pelo WhatsApp para seus clientes, colaboradores, visitantes. O recipiente do link ao clicar será direcionado ao seu HailaSpace dentro das regras e estipulações que você definiu nas configurações do link.

Você pode inclusive definir domínios de e-mail específicos para o convite, pode ativar a aprovação pelo gestor que permitirá que as regras do link só tenham efeito após a sua aprovação pelo smartphone. 

O objetivo do link de convite é trazer ainda mais autonomia aos usuários finais e facilitar ainda mais a vida do gestor.

Opções do link de convite

  • Cadastro de pessoa física ou empresa

  • Validade do link (funciona apenas por um tempo depois expira)

  • Exigir aprovação do gestor no cadastro via link

  • Limitar o número de cadastrados pelo link

  • Permitir somente cadastro de domínios ou e-mails específicos

  • Adicionar cadastrados pelo link como dependentes de uma reserva de área específica

  • Adicionar cadastrados pelo link como dependentes de um contrato específico

  • Atribuir contrato ao cadastrado pelo link (este torna-se titular)

  • Permitir preenchimento dos campos customizados de cadastro por parte do usuário

  • Clonar cadastro para outros HailaSpaces fornecedores

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